How to Create a Greener Home in 6 Easy Steps

by Joseph Schwarzman, Realtor® 05/23/2021

Photo by Free-Photos via Pixabay

Making your home a little more green won’t take much time or effort, but the results will pay off for years to come. You’ll consume fewer products, be exposed to fewer chemicals and even spend less money every month. Incorporate one or more of these easy green ideas into your home routine to see just how easy it is to live in an eco-friendly way.

  • Buy local: When it comes to food, items that are in season or produced near your home not only cost less, they don’t have to be trucked a long way to get to you. Less gasoline is consumed and your food is fresher, too, when you buy local produce, eggs and meat.
  • Swap out light bulbs: Swapping your conventional light bulbs for LED or smart bulbs can cut your energy consumption and the amount of bulbs you use. You don’t have to do this all at once, simply replace bulbs with more energy efficient models as they burn out.
  • Check for leaks: Faucets, outdoor hoses and toilets that run or leak are wasting water, and probably generating higher bills each month. Track down and repair leaks to conserve water and save.
  • Lower your water temperature: Lower the temperature on your water heater and you’ll save money. You’ll also make your home safer for kids or elderly family members, since overly hot water can lead to burns.
  • Green Clean: You can buy home cleaners that are made with fewer chemicals – or even make your own. Switch out over time, as you run out of conventional cleaners, and you’ll end up with a greener, healthier home.
  • Choose cloth over paper: It’s not always feasible, but using cloth napkins and towels in place of paper ones will cut your consumption. Save the disposable ones for bad spills and messes, and use cloth for everything else. You’ll use much less paper and see a dip in your spending, too.

Any of these ideas can help you go green at home, without much effort or expense. Choose one to start with and incorporate it into your routine – even small steps make a difference when you are opting for a greener lifestyle and home.